Monday, June 25, 2012

Here we are!  It takes a very long time to get to paradise, but reports of its beauty and delight are not overdone.  When we got to Denpasar after our 16 + 5-hour flights to Hong Kong and then here, a driver greeted us and got us to the Bali Hyatt.  A nice swim in the ankle-deep water and then the pool were a great change from the plane seats.  Dusk falls early here and the starlight is a beautiful sight as we ate dinner with the cool breezes surrounding us.

So much beautiful sculpture everywhere I turn!  There are goddesses, temples and shrines with little offerings all over the hotel, and all over the streets.  Steve and I are looking forward to a good night's rest and a fresh start for more natural and artistic beauty tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I hadn't realized how much starlight I don't see way north up here. Try to get some long-exposure night photos if you can!
